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High school application essay examples

High school application essay examples

Sample essay 2 with admissions feedback,The Importance of the Essay Topic

WebOct 31,  · 2. “I don’t ride for blue ribbons or Olympic gold, although I respect and admire those chosen few who do. I don’t ride for the workout, although my trembling muscles at WebHigh School Admission Essay Sample. Words4 Pages. Ever since grade school, I was passionate about working in the field of medicine, and science. I enjoyed anatomy, WebAug 6,  · The Final Step: Write a cohesive essay that tells admissions officers why you are pursuing your field and why USC is the right place for you to pursue it. Some WebStudents can receive Writopia Lab college essay writing instruction at our labs through a College Essay Workshop or Private Sessions. Workshops at our labs have a maximum ... read more

I do believe it goes without saying, people or anyone in general, who has ever gone to high school whether it was a public one or a private one had to go through an application. All schools without a doubt do this to see if the applicant is qualified to be in this institution. One particular type of application many of you may have gone through involved writing an essay. High School Application Essay Template 2. High School Academy Application Essay 3. Sample High School Application Essay 4. Sample essay 2. We are looking for an essay that will help us know you better as a person and as a student. Please write an essay on a topic of your choice no word limit. I'm one of those kids who can never read enough.

I sit here, pen in hand, at my friendly, comfortable, oak desk and survey the books piled high on the shelves, the dresser, the bed, the chair, even the window ledge. Growing up without TV, I turned to the beckoning world of literature for both entertainment and inspiration. As I run my eye over the nearest titles, I notice only three written in the last 50 years. Ahh, here's Homer — by far my favorite ancient author — alongside Tolkien, my favorite modern. I think not. Tolkien loved Homer and honored him constantly within his own work.

How could I fully appreciate the exchange between Bilbo and Gollum without seeing the parallel story of Odysseus and Polyphemus in the back of my mind? In the innocent characters of Bilbo and Frodo, Tolkien gives a quiet refutation to Plato's philosophical dialog of Gyges' Ring. Only a classicist would notice. Donne would, over there on the shelf, encased contentedly in his quiet brown binding. Aristotle wouldn't. He's too busy analyzing the Dickens on either side of him. The deeper I dig, the richer ground I find. I accidentally discovered the source of Feste's comedic dialog in Twelfth Night while translating the Latin plays of Plautus. I met the traitor Brutus as a fictional character in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar, renewed my acquaintance with the actual man in Classical History, and hope never to meet his soul in the deepest circle of Dante's Inferno.

In all of this, I can sense a bond, transcending time and linking me to Homer, to Tennyson, to Virgil, Byron, and Nietzsche. In my mind's eye, all the great works I've read lie spread out on a gigantic blackboard, and that mystic bond takes shape in a vast connecting network, branching from history to myth and from myth to fantasy. I've been unconsciously collecting this mental catalog all my life. I was 12 the first time I read the unabridged Odyssey, but I've known the story for as long as I can remember. Growing up, I read authors like E.

Nesbit, C. Lewis, J. Tolkien, and Robert Louis Stevenson. As a child, I didn't try to analyze the conflicts of Long John Silver's character or document Kipling's literary devices — I just loved the stories, and I picked up the techniques of great authors subconsciously. Good writing is contagious. Now as a senior beginning to analyze literature and philosophy more closely, I already have a huge pool to draw from. In British Literature this year, my paper on the monsters of Beowulf won praise from my teacher because, having already read Beowulf several times over the years, I was able to analyze on a deeper level and recognize themes I hadn't noticed before.

In college, I will continue to study great stories and contribute in my own way: literature on the big screen rather than on paper. Film is the way that our modern culture experiences narrative. Cinema has always fascinated me as a medium for storytelling, and my passion has only grown as I've studied every aspect of film-making. The vast scope of Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings trilogy draws me in, but I want to write my own epic. Dornsife Applicants Prompt: Many of us have at least one issue or passion that we care deeply about — a topic on which we would love to share our opinions and insights in hopes of sparking intense interest and continued conversation.

If you had ten minutes and the attention of a million people, what would your talk be about? The first thing you should do is figure out the content of your essay. While your essay should explore resources that will aid in your academic pursuits, you should also keep it as specific to USC as possible—this essay should not be able to be copied and pasted for any other university! Bad: USC is a great school, located in the beautiful city of Los Angeles, with unparalleled academics and renowned instructors. Why is this bad? This sentence could just as easily apply to UCLA.

Without the bit about Los Angeles, the reasoning could even apply to any decent school in existence. Good: At USC, I plan to participate in the Joint Educational Project JEP to find a community of students who, like me, are passionate about the intersections of teaching and social justice. Through JEP, I will be able to actively use the teaching principles I learn in my classes about the Dynamics of Early Childhood. Why is this good? The Final Step: Write a cohesive essay that tells admissions officers why you are pursuing your field and why USC is the right place for you to pursue it.

Some examples could include:. If you are worried about the word count, one way to maximize the little space you have is to find a way to relate your first- and second-choice majors. A student with a first-choice major in Physics and a second-choice major in English might want to write about their ultimate goal of writing Science Fiction novels. A student with a first-choice major in History and a second-choice major in East Asian Languages and Culture might write about their goal of curating Asian American history museums. However, if you do have a gap in your educational history, then be sure to use this space to address it. Give a brief explanation of the reasoning for the gap—be it illness, a move, etc. Ideally, you want to demonstrate how you made the most of this time off and why the time off was necessary.

Looking for UCLA secondary essay information? You've come to the right spot. In this blog, we will go over several UCLA secondary essay examples and give you tips for how to make your secondaries stand out! If you are a university, business, or student organization representative and want to partner with us, visit our partnerships page. The David Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California in Los Angeles UCLA receives thousands of applicants each year competing for approximately places into its MD program. Upon receiving the supplemental application request letter, students will have just fifteen days to complete and submit their secondary application, which requires addressing 10 different prompts.

This is a tight timeline for most, so preparing your UCLA secondary essays in advance will allow for well-thought, well-crafted responses. This post will provide you with the UCLA secondary essay prompts along with sample essay examples. Would You Like Us To Help You With Your Medical School Secondary Applications? Secondary applications are sent by medical schools between August - October to further assess a candidate's suitability for the profession. The secondaries are comprised of questions or prompts that are designed to help the admissions committee learn more about a candidate's passions, interests, and experiences. Applicants are required to answer these prompts while adhering to strict word or character counts.

The length of each essay is school dependent, some prompts will require a response in words, while others will allow for words. While some schools send out secondary applications to all applicants, others only send out secondaries to applicants they are interested in learning more about. While there are many medical school secondary essay examples , " why do you want to be a doctor ", " tell me about yourself " and diversity essay medical school prompts are common. Every institution will have its own medical school application timelines. UCLA accepts applicants on a rolling admissions schedule. Once an applicant has received the secondary application request letter, applicants are given a maximum of 15 days to submit their application, or it's due by UCLA's mid-October deadline, whichever is earlier.

Due to this, it's recommended that applicants submit their primary application to AMCAS early, well before the UCLA AMCAS application deadline. Here is UCLA's typical timeline:. FREE WEBCLASS How To Make Your Secondary Essays stand Out ","buttonText":"Register Now! Each school has its own list of medical school secondary essays comprised of between one to ten prompts on average. The UCLA medical school requirements call for 10 different secondary essay prompts, probing students to explore their interests, volunteer experience, significant achievements, and hardships. Use the examples below as a guideline to help you create your own unique responses.

Describe your involvement in the one most important non-academic activity in your life. In high school, I developed a hobby that quickly turned into a daily habit: exercising. Exercise has had a formidable impact on many areas of my life. Regular exercise creates discipline and amplifies my work ethic. When I was insecure, working out increased my confidence. Exercise gave me a sense of control by displaying the direct correlation between my hard work and the results that are attained. This revelation was first noticed through this habit, but it swiftly carried over to many other areas of my life as well. I strongly believe that this habit played a major role in my character development, and I would not be the same person I am today if I never began exercising.

Click here to see another response to this prompt. What has been the one most unique leadership, entrepreneurial or creative activity in which you participated? While volunteering at the Arts Academy, a society serving those with disabilities, I noticed the boys participated in activities not otherwise available to girls. Many girls had issues making friends, while the boys seemed comfortable with each other. Many families were against the girl's participation as they believed sports were for boys. By explaining the mental and physical health benefits of participating, I successfully convinced half of the families. The girls became more confident and self-sufficient. I felt accomplished, not just because I taught them basketball, but because they'd become friends. This experience taught me compassion, commitment, and how to work with people from different backgrounds.

What has been the one most important volunteer work you have done and why was it meaningful? My experience volunteering as an EMT has been instrumental in understanding the significance of serving the community. One night, my team was dispatched to an accident at a busy intersection. The firemen on scene explained that one of the drivers was barricaded and could not move his leg. While the police officers directed traffic, a fireman retrieved the Jaws of Life tool to pry the door on the barricaded car open. The ease with which each team member at the scene fulfilled a role contributing to the wellbeing of the patient was inspiring.

I finally understood what it meant to be a part of the medical team. Has there been or will there be a gap between achieving your last degree baccalaureate or other degrees post baccalaureate and the expected time of medical school matriculation? I first applied to UCLA in the application cycle. Unfortunately, shortly after, my family and I were informed that my father needed a liver transplant that summer to treat his cirrhosis. I respectfully withdrew my application as I decided it was best to take the next year to be with my family. What is the one most important honor you have received? Why do you view this as important? My junior year of high school, I received the St. Francis award.

What has been your most scholarly project thesis, research or field of study in basic or clinical science or in the humanities? Describe one and give number of hours, dates and advisor. This gave me an appreciation of using science to solve real-world problems. The presentation took 15 hours to create. The professor of the lab was Dr. Cate Nightly. We Can Help! Describe a problem in your life. Include how you dealt with it and how it influenced your growth. I was a nomad, living in China, Japan, Malaysia, and America, changing elementary schools five times. When I moved to Japan, I was bullied because I did not speak Japanese. Once I conformed culturally and linguistically, the bullying ceased.

I realized that societies need to be more welcoming to different backgrounds. I learned to accept my past in order to improve the future, vowing to help outsiders and encourage values that enhance cultural diversity. Section to enter major work experiences, with char. to explain each experience. During the spring semester of the school year and into the beginning of the summer for every year during college, I worked as a Senate aide in the State Capitol, averaging about hours of work per week. As a Senate aide, I helped Senator Bill in carrying out his duties more efficiently by assisting in research, administration, and communications. My primary research responsibilities involved exploring proposed legislation by attending committee hearings and obtaining copies of different testimonies and records.

For example, this past legislative session, a bill was introduced to address medical marijuana for people with debilitating pain. This experience taught me the effectiveness of seeking evidence to guide decisions. From this side of the table, seeing such a wide range of public issues, including those dealing with healthcare, motivated me to strive in taking an active role in the advocacy for patients and public health in the future. Is there any hardship to which you would like the committee to give special attention in evaluating your application? If yes: Please explain. Include any geographic, language, economic, academic, physical, or mental factors: char.

While studying for and taking the MCAT, I struggled with the Critical Analysis and Reasoning Skills section. Due to English being my second language, I had trouble with vocabulary and quickly comprehending the meanings of certain sentences. However, when there was less stress and pressure, I was able to correctly answer many more questions due to being able to read slower. Since the MCAT, I have been working on improving my reading comprehension skills by reading more complex literature. Where do you see yourself post-graduate education? What experiences have led you to this goal? I want to practice medicine where I am most needed, which is why learning rural and inner-city medicine is important to me.

Ideally, I want to take what I learn from my experience after residency and apply my skills in an environment such as Doctors without Borders. I want to practice medicine in an area that best reflects my original intention to study medicine: to serve and provide medical aid to those without access to proper hospital care. The UCLA secondary essay prompts are quite challenging for students. At first glance at the low character counts, you may feel relieved to discover you won't be writing ten different chapters. However, many of the prompts require a response between characters, equating to roughly sentences. To convey maturity, passion, and lessons learned in only a few sentences is extremely difficult.

Students must be able to craft a concise, direct response to the question while adhering strictly to the character count. To create a streamlined response, focus on the main takeaway point that you want to convey, and structure your response around it. It isn't enough to simply state an experience that you've had when answering the UCLA secondary prompts, you need to be able to demonstrate your ability to self-reflect by conveying to the admissions committee what you learned, how an experience has helped your growth, and how it can benefit you as a physician. If you notice in the examples provided above, each entry includes a takeaway message which not only shows reflection, but also maturity and growth. Your UCLA secondary essays have to be perfect as they are a direct reflection of who you are as a candidate.

High school application essay examples,Pursuing A Personalized Career

WebAug 6,  · The Final Step: Write a cohesive essay that tells admissions officers why you are pursuing your field and why USC is the right place for you to pursue it. Some WebOct 31,  · 2. “I don’t ride for blue ribbons or Olympic gold, although I respect and admire those chosen few who do. I don’t ride for the workout, although my trembling muscles at WebStudents can receive Writopia Lab college essay writing instruction at our labs through a College Essay Workshop or Private Sessions. Workshops at our labs have a maximum WebHigh School Admission Essay Sample. Words4 Pages. Ever since grade school, I was passionate about working in the field of medicine, and science. I enjoyed anatomy, ... read more

Kennedy, one of the best politicians of all life. The girls became more confident and self-sufficient. Enroll Now! One of my goals in the future is to help others in need for medical attention. Dissertation Methodology. Is this true?

Sample essay 2. Think carefully and then write down ideas about what you could describe. Short Answer Prompts: Respond to all the prompts below characters unless otherwise specified. By standing behind their convictions, your child will demonstrate their critical thinking and leadership capabilities. I am confident that the Honors College at the High school application essay examples of Charleston will enable me to devote my attention to my studies, become actively involved within campus activities and academic assemblies, and offer my time and abilities to charitable events and organizations. In this section, USC lets you have a little fun. One of my goals in the future is to help others in need for medical attention.

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